You are here: HomeSPI Water project: Pinios River Basin Workshop, 22 Oct 2007 → Cooperative WebGIS interactive information systems for water resources data management
Details for Cooperative WebGIS interactive information systems for water resources data management
NameCooperative WebGIS interactive information systems for water resources data management
Skoulikaris, Ch., Ganoulis, J., Karapetsas, N., Katsogiannos, F. & Zalidis, G. (2014) Cooperative WebGIS interactive information systems for water resources data management. In: Hydrology in a Changing World: Environmental and Human Dimensions (ed. by T. Daniell et al.). IAHS Publ 363, 342–347. IAHS, Wallingford, UK. 
FilenameLink to 16613.363-Abstracts-for-website-55.pdf
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Hits7364 Hits